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Water-Borne Viruses Pose Unique Dangers

When it comes to disease control, safe water is very important. A virus released into a water supply could make many people sick. As a community, it is important to recognize how a disease can spread through the water so that this can be prevented (such as with water filtration services).

Water is essential to human life, but if you look at the history of mankind there are many cases of water being the carrier of a deadly disease. Learning from the past helps people look further into how viruses are transferred through unsafe drinking water.

Where Did SARS Originate?

virusSARS stands for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome and is a type of coronavirus that was discovered back in 2003. It originated through human-animal contact, however, the specific animal is still for the most part unknown.

In its time, it wreaked havoc throughout China as it spread. While the initial cause was from contact with an animal, it quickly continued respiratory means like coughing and human waste.

Because the rapid spread of SARS was largely caused by its transmission through human waste, the fact that there could be very small amounts of human waste still in people’s tap water is alarming.

A good water purification system can protect your family from waterborne viruses such as SARS. The symptoms of SARS are very similar to that of influenza or flu.

The Cause of Hepatitis E. Virus

Hepatitis E. is now rare in the United States, but it is still common in some parts of the world. It attacks your liver and is usually transmitted through fecal matter in the water. This is a big problem in countries with poor sanitation systems. It just goes to show how much water quality matters when it comes to keeping the population safe from the effects of a spreading virus.

clean water

Protecting the water supply is an important step to protecting people from the spread of a dangerous pathogen like Hep E. This is one of the best examples of how a virus in the water supply can quickly spread. Water quality is very important when it comes to disease control.

Combating Current Viruses

filter virusAs with the two major viruses above, transmission is always a concern, especially when it comes to your water quality. Although much of the water that enters your home is treated at the city level, in many cases, impurities can still make their way into your water supply as it runs through the water main.

Whether it’s animal waste, bacteria, runoff from factories, or minerals found in the ground around your plumbing, your home is constantly at risk. While most homeowners think about their air when they think about protecting their family, as noted above, water is just as, if not more important due to waterborne diseases.

One way to combat water-borne viruses with a whole-home water filtration system. These devices are attached to the water main and filter any and all water before it enters your home. For many homes, this can be in the form of a water softener.

There are plenty of other filtration systems, like reverse osmosis filters, which can do an even more thorough job of cleaning your water. It’s always suggested to contact your local plumbing company. They will have a better understanding of the water quality concerns for your area and can help install that perfect filtration system.

Your Local Plumbing Experts

For water quality control, plumbing repairs, and plumbing installations, The Plumbing Dr is here to help. They have the best team of plumbers around who are always timely and friendly. Call today to find out more about what Falls Church plumbers can do for you.