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Top Reasons for Water Leaks in the Home

One plumbing problem no homeowner hopes to deal with is water leaks. They may sound trivial, but if a leak goes undetected, the damage could be catastrophic and expensive to fix. Not to mention your water consumption would increase and be reflected on your utility bill.
Folks in Falls Church, VA can always rely on a plumber to perform water leak detection and stop the damage, but is there a way to avoid disaster before it starts? Before you take preventive measures, it’s important to understand the nature of these leaks. Here are some of the top reasons for water leaks in the home.

Too Much Water Pressure

Water PressureYes, there is such a thing as too much water pressure.
It might feel nice and make washing and bathing easier, but high water pressure can be bad for your plumbing.
Liquid firing through pipes can add stress and make a burst or leak more likely.
One more thing to consider is every faucet and fixture in your home is designed to withstand only so much pressure.
If it goes beyond the threshold, it could affect functionality. If you’re wondering about the water pressure in your home, get in touch with a professional.

Corrosion and Rust

corrosionrustCorrosion and decay may be another cause of water leaks. Pipes may deteriorate at different rates depending on what they’ve been exposed to and what material they’re made from.
After taking a look at your pipes and noticing they’re either warped or discolored, you may want to reach out to an expert to conduct an inspection. Any rusty pipes can also be problematic if there has been mineral buildup. Over time it could result in clogs, which may lead to all sorts of problems such as water leaks.

Older PipesAging Water Pipes

Nothing lasts forever, and that includes water pipes. After years of heavy use, they may have become weakened and more easily damaged.
Debris within the pipes can also build up over a long period of time, which may lead to blockages and increased water pressure.

Water Quality Matters

Water QualityContaminated water can be harmful to your plumbing. It might leave behind residue that either corrodes the pipes or accumulates and develops blockages.
Even the minerals found in hard water, which is safe to use for washing and drinking, can introduce calcium and lime buildup.
Good quality water, on the other hand, can have a positive effect on a home’s plumbing. By running clean water, you’re helping maintain your pipes and appliances. Consider installing a water filtration system or water softener to extend the lifetime of your plumbing system.
Professional help will always be there if you need water leak repair service, but a responsible homeowner should do everything possible to protect their property. Call up a plumber to inspect your home’s water pressure, water pipes and water quality. They will be able to point out any anomalies and recommend a course of action. It may be what prevents a disaster in your home.